Description of labels in data file (NC149E or later)

Col. Label Description Unit
A yyyymmdd date (year-month-day) GMT
B hhmmss time (hour-min-sec) GMT
C utc serial number since January 1, 1900 day
D Epoch UNIX Epoch time (the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970 UTC) second
E Lat latitude degree N
F Lon longitute degree E
G ShipSpeed(KT) ship speed knots
H TrueHeading(deg) True Heading degree
I SLP sea level pressure hPa
J Air xCO2 calibrated atmospheric xCO2 ppm
K SD standard deviation of Air xCO2 cal  
L Flag_x 0: SD < 0.3; 1: SD < 1.0; blank: SD = 1.0 or more (value eliminated)  
M Air fCO2 calibrated atmospheric fCO2 μatm
N SD standard deviation of Air fCO2 cal  
O Air pCO2 calibrated atmospheric pCO2 μatm
P SD standard deviation of Air pCO2 cal  
Q EQTemp calibrated temperature in Equilibrator degree Celsius
R SST calibrated sea surface temperature(SST) degree Celsius
S SD standard deviation of calibrated SST  
T EQP(hPa) pressure in equilibrator hPa
U xCO2_Eq calibrated sea water xCO2 at equilibrator temperature ppm
V SD standard deviation of xCO2_Eq  
W fCO2_Eq sea water fCO2 at equilibrator temperature μatm
X SD standard deviation of fCO2_Eq  
Y fCO2_SST sea water fCO2 at SST μatm
Z SD standard deviation of fCO2_SST  
AA xCO2_SST sea water xCO2 at SST ppm
AB SD standard deviation of xCO2_SST  
AC pCO2_SST sea water pCO2 at SST μatm
AD SD standard deviation of pCO2_SST  
AE delta fCO2 ΔfCO2 = sea water fCO2 at SST - atmospheric fCO2 μatm
AF delta xCO2 ΔxCO2 = sea water xCO2 at SST - atmospheric xCO2 ppm
AG delta pCO2 ΔpCO2 = sea water pCO2 at SST - atmospheric pCO2 μatm
AH Salinity verified salinity from calibrated SBE salinity  
AI SD standard deviation of calibrated SBE salinity  
AJ Bubble Flag 0: normal; 1: possible to bubble in pipe by ship rolling/pitching  
AK Bottle Name bottle name of sampling (NC125E or later)  

Changes since previous format